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Summer months see higher number of teen crashes

Pennsylvania parents and teens may be particularly concerned about roadway safety in the summer. Because young people are out of school and involved in an array of parties and activities, car accidents may pose even more of a threat than usual. Teen drivers already face a higher risk of car crashes due to a number of factors, including their inexperience behind the wheel and the higher likelihood of distraction from electronic devices or from other friends in the vehicle. This risk grows during the summer.

According to a report by Ford Motor Co., the deadliest days for young drivers are the 100 days between Labor Day and Memorial Day. The American Automobile Association also warns about the dangers of summer driving for teens. Emergency medical providers report that the summer months are some of the busiest, with many victims of serious car crashes being brought to the hospital. On average, accidents involving teen drivers are 15% more likely to be deadly during the summer months. In some cases, the increased number of teen fatalities on the road are simply linked to the increased amount of time they spend behind the wheel.

Safety experts urged parents to talk with their teens about safe driving during the summer, including putting their cell phones away while behind the wheel. Many accidents are linked to distracted driving, including thousands of fatal crashes every year. In addition, car maintenance is important: teens should ensure that they have good tire pressure, changed oil and full gas tanks before driving.

Teen car accidents may be especially tragic because they can permanently affect the lives of young people. Motor vehicle accident victims who are suffering from severe injuries as a result of a crash caused by someone else might opt to work with a personal injury lawyer to pursue compensation.